Thursday, September 29, 2011

LAD #7: Washington's Farewell Address


 Washington opens his Farewell Address with a summary of his decision to leave office and not be in the running for the next election, citing that a new president may be a more proper representation of the public voice. He goes on to reassure the public that his own intentions in resigning from the presidential office are not at all meant as harmful or uncaring to the people, and that he is very interested in the country’s future affairs. He explains his motivations for retiring a bit more, and adds that he hopes that no one will think badly of him for this decision. He moves from this into his relationship with the American government, people, and country itself, and states that he is thankful for having such a place in that. He expresses high hopes for the future of the country and praises the system of government that they Constitution has employed.
The next section describes Washington’s plans, hopes, and above all warnings for the future of the country and freedom of the people. Before anything else, he acknowledges and praises the national identity and patriotism of the American people. He takes the unity of government and of the citizens into consideration, and suggests that the American people aim to preserve this.
He then moves on to specific warnings that have to do with various territories in the United States. He breaks down the interterritorial relationships that exist, references the maritime industry that is important to the United States as a whole, and outlines the strengths that each territory has when it comes to trading. Washington warns against disputes that could lead to civil war, which could have brought about America’s fall as a global power. He points out some specific conflicts in America’s history thus far and warns the government and the people to settle such disputes quickly. 
            Washington moves on to talking about their government on a grand scale, and warns American citizens against committing infractions for the sake of the country. He reminds the citizens that they are the basis of the government and that the government exists to defend their rights. This all emphasizes his point of national unity.
            In the next bit, Washington warns heavily against believing in factions and parties, as they tend to be a persuasive minority of the population that has the potential to upset the balance of power. He is, however, optimistic about the state of the government and through that the future of the country, praising the efforts of the government and the Constitution in preserving the people’s rights and liberty.
            Washington continues to focus on the efforts of political parties, and instructs that the government stay away from them, referring to political parties and factions as government’s worst enemy. He more specifically warns about inter-party rivalry and bitterness and the adverse effect this type of competition could have on the government and the country as a whole. Washington states several more reasons for staying away from the idea of political factions, especially in international relations. He also addresses and shuts down the opinion that parties are useful for checks and balances in government.
            Washington broadens his topic to the government as a whole, and exalts the checks and balances system with suggestions for ways to maintain it. He briefly discusses religion and morality, and cites how each can help in governing a people.  These ideas are what make a popular government. He also advises about expenses and taxation, and the use of public credit.
            In foreign affairs, Washington suggests that the United States maintain a policy of neutrality, and to serve as an example of justice and benevolence to other nations. He advises that the nation make no particular alliances and to remain on good, fair terms with all nations. Special sympathy for one nation in particular often causes animosity with another nation, which is exactly what he wishes to avoid. A policy of neutrality also helps citizens retain an idea of national identity without unnecessary outside influence. He mentions England and its controversies with other nations in particular. He believes that a policy of neutrality will garner respect for America in the long run. In emergencies, a defensive stance is his preference, and in wars temporary alliances would be acceptable if necessary. He continues to recommend a neutral, friendly foreign policy from an economic standpoint.
            Washington completes his address with a humble showcase of his own presidency and asserts that he believes that he has ruled by the principles he believes in. He reminds the people of his Proclamation of Neutrality and strongly suggests that it stay in place, and states that he believes that a policy of neutrality is the best thing for the development of the United States. A reflection on his time in office and a reminder of all he has given to this country back up his ideas once again. The last paragraph is an optimistic, proud, and patriotic look at America as a nation, praising America’s good laws and free government.  

Republican Motherhood

1. The Revolutionary War created and codified the idea of Republican Motherhood. The ideas and new national prospects and virtues that emerged during this time period had a great deal to do with it, as patriotism was a big deal within the colonies and it was only natural to see the political scene transfer to the home, and for women to run it as such. The independence granted to the American colonies after the Revolutionary War encouraged patriotism, and women stepped into the role of promoting political patriotism and values within the home.
2. The concept of Republican Motherhood was a step in a new direction for the roles of women in the colonies. However, even though the idea gives women some opportunity to play a part in the workings of America (Doc A), it may be considered a slight step backwards from the roles some patriotic women played prior to the Revolutionary War. The idea of Republican Motherhood is certainly a step above traditional housewivery, but in contrast is not in league with the actions of the Daughters of Liberty and other patriots during the period leading up to the Revolutionary War.
3. Republican Motherhood is a curious intermediate idea between modern civil equalities between men and women and the traditional idea of women’s roles. The idea of Republican Motherhood acknowledges a woman’s potential, and can even serve as an advocate for women’s education (Doc B). Republican Motherhood reflects the idea of American and patriotic virtues in the home, and it is an important role for women to play in society (Doc C). Jonathan F. Stearns goes so far as to say that such a state of living empowers women and grants them a large amount of responsibility for what goes on in the world, in a way that could be beneficial or adverse (Doc D).

1. The setting is fairly plain and the scene appears to be in a simple home.
2. The mother serves as the center of the portrait with her sons clustered around her. She appears more Republican than aristocratic by wearing a simple dress and by appearing very affectionate toward her children.
3. The children in the paintings exhibit curiosity, through the younger one’s reaching out to touch something and the older one holding a bird, serenity, and patriotism through the red, white, and blue clothing that they are wearing.
4. The mother’s hand is wrapped around her younger son in a kind, motherly way. The significance of this is that the mothers of their time were expected to care for their children as well as teach them. It also signifies her guiding her children in the right direction, which matches up with the whole idea of Republican Motherhood. 

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

LAD #6: Proclamation of Neutrality

In the first paragraph, Washington proclaims that remaining neutral in the war between Austria, Prussia, Sardinia, Great Britain, the United Netherlands, and France is the best policy for the United States.

It is important to Washington to continue maintaining friendly relations with all parties involved in the war, and to make every effort to keep from taking a particular side. The document goes on to say that any American who commits any act of hostility against any of the powers involved in the war is susceptible to severe punishment by the government. In addition, the United States will not help these people should they be caught in an act of hostility by a foreign country- they will be subjected to consequences as that country sees fit.

In conclusion, Washington mentions the seal of the United States of America and his own credentials, stating that he will stand by this proclamation. 

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

LAD: Federalist #10

1.  Why are factions so difficult to eliminate?
Federalist #10 states that they can be eliminated in two ways, which are both technically possible but implausible and difficult. The first is by destroying the liberty that makes it possible for factions to exist. This remedy is logically implausible, however, because destroying that liberty would have far-reaching consequences beyond destroying the faction. The other method suggested in the Federalist is that factions can be controlled by giving every member of the public the same ideals and opinions as the faction. This is implausible in and of itself, but it also defeats the purpose of destroying the faction.

2.  If factions cannot be removed then how can they be controlled?
Factions would have to be removed by removing their causes, but the only way to cap their influence is to control their effects. The simplest way is already in place, the policy of majority rule in the US Constitution dictates that if a faction is less than half of the general community, than they cannot have any real political effects. A fear associated with this is that the faction may sway voters their way through deceitful means and then turn on them with different ideas. Factitious leaders will be naturally less likely to be chosen to have sway in political affairs because there are too many voters to persuade that their ideas are correct when they are not. 

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Blog #4: Rethinking the Revolution

1. There was a lot of controversy and conspiracy surrounding how the revolutionary War would be remembered in history, by the wealthy upper class and the Founding fathers. Many of them actively took a role in forming their own histories by publishing flattering autobiographies.

2. While military leaders from the Civil War are more historically famous than anyone else from that time, the civilian leaders in the American Revolution are given more credit than their military leaders.

3. One of the reasons the Revolutionary War and the Civil war are thought of so differently in history are by the media that we have to remember them by. The paintings of the Revolutionary War were very tame, while Civil War paintings tended to be full of carnage.

4. The living conditions of the soldiers in the Revolutionary War were much worse than history makes them out to be. It was not limited to the 1776-1777 winter in Valley Forge.

5. Civilian casualties also made an impact on the Revolutionary War, particularly through diseases spread by soldiers on both sides. 

Sunday, September 18, 2011

LAD #3: The Declaration of Independence

Summarize the Declaration of Independence in 3 parts (1. democratic principles, 2.list a handful of grievances, and 3. the conclusion).

1. The democratic principles that the Declaration of Independence starts off with greatly resemble the ideas of John Locke, which is particularly reflected in the statement “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” It goes on to outline the basic principles of democracy, focusing on government drawing its power from the people it rules over. It also states that it is the peoples’ right to overthrow a corrupt government. Beyond that, it insults the government of Great Britain and serves as an introduction to the grievances. 

2. The grievances listed in this section are mostly political in nature. It discusses lawmaking, government, and British disrespect toward existing American legislative bodies. A few of the grievances also point out obstruction of justice and denial of fair trials, as well as British military measures that were unjust to the American people. Trade and taxation issues enhanced the political grievances with the economic side of affairs. At the end of this section, the Declaration of Independence points out Britain’s largest failings, going so far as to claim that Britain had, in ruling the colonies “destroyed the lives of our people.” 
3. In the conclusion, it is clearly outlined that the Americans have tried every other possible route to solving the grievances that are listed above. It explains why separation between the two nations is absolutely necessary in very specific terms. The conclusion also serves to explicitly state their purpose and declare the official freedom of the United States from British rule. 

Thursday, September 8, 2011

LAD #2: Zenger Trial

1. Who was John Peter Zenger?

John Peter Zenger was a journalist who emigrated from Germany to the colonies in 1710.  He was the printer and editor for a newspaper called the New York Weekly Journal, which published a series of articles that were offensive to Governor William Crosby. He was arrested for libel because of this, and later acquitted. His case became one of the most famous and influential in journalism’s history.
   2. What was the controversy over his charges? Talk about Hamilton's defense.

The controversy that arose over the Zenger case had to do with the feeling that the government was using their power to convict citizens who were not guilty. The main question in his trial was whether Zenger had actually committed libel or simply insulted the government in a way that was within the law. Zenger’s lawyer, Hamilton, used the argument that one could not be charged for libel if they were telling the truth. This defense was accepted and Zenger was acquitted and freed.

      3. What influence did his case have on American governmental tradition?

The Zenger case was monumental when it came to the concept of freedom of the press. It also showed the enthusiasm many colonists had for democracy and the right to question the government, which was a major part of the trial. It was very influential for journalism and freedom of the press, and also helped define American ideas of what a government should be.

      4. What is the lasting significance of his trial? Explain.

The trial was closely followed by the public, and represents a milestone in government, journalism, and the idea of American personal freedoms. It played a part in establishing the public and press’s part in the checks and balances of government. The Zenger trial was instrumental in the beginning of the relationship between journalism/press and government, and helped to solidify the idea of freedom of the press. 

LAD #1: Mayflower Compact and Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

1) What concepts are included in the Mayflower Compact?

The Mayflower Compact includes the concepts of colonization with respect to the concept of fealty to the king. In addition, religion is appealed to several times. It also mentions government and the idea of ruling a colony, which was the major purpose of the document.

2) How does the Mayflower Compact reflect and attachment to both the "Old" and "New" worlds?
There are several references to King James, who was the king of England at the time and sponsored the voyage. However, the document mentions plans for a different type of government or constitution that doesn't quite reflect that of the old world. The document is about the creation of the main political body in their colony.

3) How did the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut differ from the Mayflower Compact?

The Mayflower Compact refers only to the colonists from the Mayflower governing themselves, but the Fundamental Orders are more about a political body ruling over a larger group of people. This is because there were many more people in the colonies when the Fundamental Orders were written. The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut were also significantly more detailed and organized than the Mayflower Compact because the size of the colony they were ruling required it. Courts of law were also included in the Fundamental Orders and not mentioned in the Mayflower Compact.

4) What prompted the colonists of Connecticut to take this approach to government, i.e.: use of a written Constitution?   

The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut have very specific outlines for a system of governments and courts that would be very helpful to colonists as the population of the colonies grew. The constitution also favored democracy, which would grow to be valued in the colonies. The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut were written to create a solid governing body while preserving the freedom and democracy that early Americans valued.

5) In what significant way(s) does the Fundamental Orders reflect a fear of and safeguard against the usurping of power by one person or a chosen few?

The Fundamental Orders put a limit on the amount of time a single person can hold a particular office. In some cases, this was only one year. A democratic method of voting was another way the colonists of Connecticut ensured a balance of power. It reflects fear of a single person taking too much power by ensuring a democratic system.