Monday, February 13, 2012

LAD #31: Fourteen Points

Wilson believes in treating the losing side fairly.
He wants to use the Treaty of Versailles to further democracy.
Everyone has different opinions on what to do about Germans and German allies.
They entered the war because of democracy and they plan to finish with it.
I. No secret treaties.  
II. Freedom of the seas.
III. No trade barriers
IV. Everyone have less weapons.
V. Settle colonial disputes
VI. Evacuation of troops from Russia.
VII. Belgium restored.
VIII. French territory returned
IX. Change borders of Italy according to nationality of people.
X. Austria-Hungary autonomous.  
XI. Occupied territories restored.  
XII. Ottoman Empire restored.  
XIII. Independent Poland created.  
XIV. League of Nations.
Wilson believes that his plan will succeed and hopefully stop such wars from occurring in the future.

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